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Our Course Description

Vegan Culinary Arts


To jump-start the fight against obesity, youth must first be educated about food, nutrition, and making good choices. The truth is that children today are exposed to an unbelievable variety of food and diet choices. We must teach them how to navigate these choices by beginning with the basic concepts of food and nutrition. Children can then move to application, demonstrating how these concepts apply to them and others. By starting early, and having children participate in memorable experiences, BHO hopes they gain the knowledge and skills to become healthy, nutritionally conscious consumers.


Creative Photography


Develop your photography knowledge, including the basics of lighting, shutter speed, and composition. Gain an understanding of professional photography, learn what creates an eye-catching photo, and build a portfolio of images. You must have access to a digital camera (cell phone cameras do not meet the requirement) to take this course. This course can be used to meet a performing/fine arts requirement for high school graduation.


Theater, Cinema, and Film Production

Explore the elements of theater and cinematic techniques used by those who create performance productions. As you progress through the course you will view the historical development of different genres and the reasons why they were used. You will also be exposed to a detailed view of film and theater backstage operations and asked to speculate on why a director chooses certain perspectives. This course can be used to meet a performing/fine arts requirement for high school graduation. H/S

Foundations of Web Design

Foundations of Web Design takes students through interactive, real-world scenarios in which students play the role of interns at a local business. Through various projects, students learn about basic web design principles such as good design, HTML, how to use Adobe CS6 Dreamweaver and Photoshop, and how to create websites. H/S

Guitar 1


Never played guitar? Want to know how to play guitar? Do you love music? If you never touched a guitar, been playing guitar forever, or want to be a rock star this course is a great place to start your music education or continue building your skills. No prior music experience is needed. Learn the fundamentals of music and the basic skills necessary to play a wide variety of music styles including simple and full-strum chords, strumming patterns, playing/singing simple melodies, parts of the guitar, and ensemble skills, and explore the careers of significant musicians in varied genres. Student guides, Carlos and Summer, guide students through each step of this journey toward becoming skilled guitarists and musicians.

Physical Fitness


Everyone needs physical activity to be healthy. People who exercise regularly and who make physical activity part of their daily routine, feel better mentally and physically.

The discipline of Taekwondo leads to increase energy, better health and fitness, greater coordination, and higher self-esteem. These qualities are vital to a happier, longer life.


Taekwondo strengthens your body and improves your health through physical exercise and conditioning. Isometric and dynamic tension exercises will allow you to gain better muscle tone and more strength. A gradual building process of safe and easy stretching techniques will enhance flexibility, while breathing and concentration exercises lead to sharper reflexes and senses. BHO not only considers exercise as part of a regular physical regime, but an opportunity to gain self-awareness and enhance spiritual growth. In ancient traditions, physical activity had a focus that was more spiritual than physical. Its purpose was to cultivate the mind and spirit while rejuvenating the body. In a similar fashion, the organization views exercise as an opportunity to learn more about the individual.



Your path to lifelong fitness starts here. You’ll set a variety of goals that will guide you toward leading a healthy lifestyle. During your journey, you’ll perform daily physical activity, design a personal fitness plan that suits your interests, and keep track of your fitness progress. You’ll monitor your exercise and nutrition using a personalized wellness plan. This course uses a MOVband® device that will calculate your total movements each day, helping you stay on track. MOVbands are available for FLVS students at a significantly reduced price and will encourage healthy living after the course is complete. H/S


Typing & Keyboarding

Using a special online library of software, you will gain typing speed while learning the proper technique to become a keyboarding master. You will also learn business skills to prepare for your future career.

Office Management/ Administration

Further your education and prepare for careers in the Business, Management, and Administration career cluster with this sequence of courses. Learn how to utilize technology to gain stronger communication, decision-making, and higher-level thinking skills. Students in these courses will research job opportunities, produce high-quality employment portfolios and job-seeking documents, and develop the procedural office skills necessary to produce quality work in an efficient manner using advanced features of business software applications. H/S

Voluntary Public Service


How can you, a student, be empowered to address social problems in your community? In this Voluntary Public Service course, you will develop the skills necessary to positively impact your community such as interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and stress management. As you progress through the course, you will create a map of your own community, identifying resources to address social problems and evaluating possible solutions. In addition, you will better understand how organizations impact your community. This includes exploring public service occupations and opportunities for employment after high school. Finally, you will conduct a service project to address an issue you are concerned about. Are you ready to have an impact?


The average age of senior citizens living in nursing homes is about 82. Many of them don't have families or can't be with their families, so they get lonely and depressed. That's where BHO's L.E.A.P Youth Volunteer Program steps in. Our youth visit and spend time with the elderly on a regular basis and treat them as though they are their own grandparents. This sort of volunteer work not only has a positive influence on our youth, but also on the elderly - One of the goals is to bring the youth back into the elderly by telling them stories and making them laugh, all while seniors are teaching our youth about life and its valuable lessons.



Our Youth Volunteer Team will be volunteering at the Trinity Rescue Mission and other local homeless shelters. 


BHO believes in giving back to the community.






Black Hawks Student Oath


I will observe the Black Hawks eight virtues.

  I will respect my elders, family and peers.    

    I will live in peace and I shall bring peace.

      I will never misrepresent what I have learn.         

        I will use my knowledge to uplift my community.

          I will help others and be a voice for the voiceless.

             I will live a holistic lifestyle and build a more holistic world. 

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