Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning
Frequently Ask Questions
What is a Private School?
Section 1002.01(2), F.S., states a "private school" is:
- …a nonpublic school defined as an individual, association, co-partnership, or corporation, or department, division, or section of such organizations, that designates itself as an educational center…
- …includes kindergarten or a higher grade or as an elementary, secondary, business, technical, or trade school below college level…
- …or any organization that provides instructional services that meet the intent of s. 1003.01(13), F.S…
- …or that gives pre-employment or supplementary training in technology or in fields of trade or industry or that offers academic, literary, or career training below college level…
- …or any combination of the above, including an institution that performs the functions of the above schools through correspondence or extension, except those licensed under the provisions of Chapter 1005, F.S.
- A private school may be a parochial, religious, denominational, for-profit, or nonprofit school.
This definition does not include home education programs conducted in accordance with s. 1002.41, F.S.
What is an "umbrella school"?
The term "umbrella school" is sometimes used to refer to a private school offering distance programs or services to enrolled students. If students are registered with a private school listed in the Florida Private Schools Directory, they are considered private school students, not home education students, regardless of where, or by whom, they receive instruction.
Does enrolling my child in a private school satisfy the compulsory attendance requirements?
Yes. s. 1003.21(1)(a)1., F.S., states that all children who have attained the age of 6 years or who will have attained the age of 6 years by February 1 of any school year or who are older than 6 years of age but who have not attained the age of 16 years, except as otherwise provided, are required to attend school regularly during the entire school term. Private schools as defined in s. 1002.01(2), F.S., satisfy the requirements for attendance according to s. 1003.01(13), F.S.
Does the Florida Department of Education license private schools?
No. The Department of Education does not have jurisdiction over private schools. Legislative intent not to regulate, control, approve, or accredit private educational institutions, churches, their ministries, religious instruction, freedoms, or rites, is explicit. The owners of private elementary and secondary schools in Florida are solely responsible for all aspects of their educational programs.
Do private schools have to be accredited?
No. In Florida, private schools are not accredited by the state. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education does not officially recognize any of the various agencies that accredit private schools. Contact the private schools and accrediting agencies to determine the accreditation status. The Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning is not accredited, however, BHI is affiliated with Florida Virtual School (FLVS) that offerd accredited online courses.
What are the benefits of enrolling in Black Hawks Institute?
Enrollment in Black Hawks Institute provides families with an extra level of freedom to choose their optimal method of schooling. Private education students do not register with the superintendent or provide the school system with yearly evaluations. Portfolios or records of academic work are not required. Curriculums used are determined by individual families. The available services are specially designed to aid in the homeschooling experience.
What grade levels are supported?
Black Hawks Institute enrolls children grades K -12th Grade.
Is my child able to enroll in Florida Virtual School?
Yes, Black Hawks Institute is affiliated with Florida Virtual School.
What do I need to enroll my child in Black Hawks Institute?
To enroll your child we would need; any past transcripts, proof of child's name and age, proof of address, Records of vaccination and immunization, any previous portfolio information.
When my child graduates who will issue the diploma?
The diploma will come from the Black Hawks Organization - Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning.
Who creates the report card for my child?
Black Hawks Institute of Higher Learning will issue out report cards if needed at a charge. Students taking FLVS can see their grades online.